From 18 to 19 June 2024, the II International Forum and Exhibition "Thermal Power Engineering Central Asia" was held in Almaty. This unique professional international platform brought together leaders of the energy industry. The event attracted the attention of executives from key generating companies in the region, representatives of regulatory bodies, investors, leading equipment manufacturing companies, technology licensors, as well as engineering and construction enterprises.
In session No. 6 "Environmental Safety in Modern Energy," the moderator was the Managing Director of NCE RK "Atameken," Khairushev Zh.G. The invited speakers were Kalmenov M.E., Mominbayev Zh.B., and Kybaryn A.A. As part of the forum, the Chairman of the GreenTech Committee of the "KazEPI" Association, Mominbayev Zh.B., presented a report on "The Method of Effective Management of a 50 MW Solar Power Plant Construction Project." The presentation garnered significant attention from forum participants, providing valuable insights and recommendations on project management in the solar energy sector, aiming to maximize Kazakhstani content up to 80%.
The main goal of the forum and exhibition was to discuss the development of thermal power through the implementation of major investment projects for the construction and modernization of thermal power plants. Participants exchanged experiences and discussed opportunities to improve the efficiency of existing productions.
The International Forum and Exhibition "Thermal Power Central Asia" contributed to strengthening cooperation between the countries of the region, providing a platform for discussing current issues and strategies in the field of thermal power. The event emphasized the importance of international cooperation and innovative approaches in addressing contemporary energy challenges.